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Moving Space: Window

The purpose of this project was to showcase a public place in Sullivan Hall. I had chose the third story window facing North High Street in the rotunda. I was inspired by this location because the openness had caught my eye. The openness of the area was contradicted by the fact that the space was not truly open due to the grass that made up the window. My ideal vision for this project was to capture the dancers looking hesitant to peer out of the window. Throughout the video, they would become more and more willing to see what was outside the space they were moving in. I instructed the dancers to improve with this concept in mind. However, my vision altered the moment I compiled my footage. I realized that my vision shifted to looking at these dancers embodying and highlighting the features of the window. My revised vision resulted in capturing the dancers at different angles with the large window being the main focus and influence. The music I chose was very circular which contradicted the angular visual of the movement and window. For this project, I filmed and edited the film. Working in such a short time frame was relatively easy for me. I was able to film all of my material and start to edit it on the first day. The second day I finished editing the film and started the location poster. The third day I finished the location poster.

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